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Minggu, 29 Juni 2014


Forest Fire Could Not Fully contained Sindoro

Protected forest areas on the slopes of Mount Sindoro, County Waterford, Central Java, on Sunday 29 June 2014 on fire and the fire is still raging today.
Perhutani officers and local residents are starting to panic now are attempting to extinguish the fire that burned the evening since the week of protected forest areas on the slopes of Mount Sindoro it. According to the Juni Junaidi, Assistant Perhutani Forest Stakeholder Unity Part (BKPH) Waterford, at least 23 personnel of the four resort Forest Management (RPH) downgraded to extinguish the fire.
Fire engulfed swaths of protected forest on slopes of 10 and 11 Sindoro. In addition to joint personnel from RPH sandwiched between, Kemloko, Jumprit, and Kwadungan, no police car from Unity Stakeholder Forest (KPH) and the North Kedu Giripurno society and Katekan in District Ngadirejo. "Since 07.00 has risen to the scene of the fire," he said. Protected forest fire that burned plots 10 and 11 RPH Kwadungan starting to look around at 18:30 pm. Hotspots derived from plot to plot 10 then propagates 11.
According to the Juni, the new officers can start putting out the fire on Monday morning due to heavy terrain. "We can not know the extent of the fire," fire katanya.Juni suspect it is a continuation of last week's fire. "There might be a stump, especially in the gulf region still smoldering then blown off and cause a fire again.

1. (VERB)          = Extinguish, Here, Now,Yesterday , Today
2. (NOUN)         = Slopes of Mount Sindoro , Protected forest areas , Juni Junaidi
3. (ADJECTIVE)  = Panic

(5w + 1h)
1. (What)
What happened?
= Sindoro forest fires are hard at Quench.
2. (Where)
Where the incident occurred?
= County Waterford, Central Java
3. (When)
When did the incident occur?
= on Sunday 29 June 2014
4. (WHO)
Who was involved in the incident?
= Citizens counties Waterford, Central Java. As well Junaidi, Assistant Perhutani Forest Stakeholder Unity Part (BKPH) Waterford.
5. (Why)
Why did the incident occur?
= Suspected the fire was a continuation of last week's fire. and the possibility exists stump, especially in areas that are still smoldering abyss then blown off and cause a fire again.
6. (How)
How do these events occur?
= The fire that burns the protected forest plots 10 and 11 RPH Kwadungan starting to look around at 18:30 pm. Hotspots derived from plot to plot 10 then propagates 11.

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014


Coordinating Conjunction
Conjunction / kata sambung dalam bahasa inggris tipe ini berfungsi untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang berkedudukan sama dan terletak di antara kalimat/klausa yang dihubungkan.

Contohnya :
1. Both of you and me are rivals
   (Kedua Anda dan saya adalah saingan)
2.Both my mother and my sister are here.
   (Keduanya baik ibu saya dan saudara perempuan saya ada disini.)
3.The research project will take both time and money
   (penelitian ini akan memerlukan keduanya,baik waktu dan uang.)

2. Neither..nor..
Contohnya :
1. Neither my parents nor my friends do not care to me.
    (baik orang tua saya maupun teman-teman saya tidak peduli kepada saya)
2.  Rina is neither smart nor stupid.
    (Rina tidak pintar juga tidak bodoh)
3. Yesterday, I neither slept nor ate.
    (kemarin saya tidak tidur, juga tidak makan)

3. Either…or….
1. Either  Gaby or  Jennifer is a good girl
   (baik gaby atau jenifer adalah gadis yang baik)
2.They can’t either send or receive letter.
   (Mereka tidak dapat mengirim atau menerima surat)
3.Either The students or Toni is watching TV now.
   (para pelajar itu atau Toni sedang menonton TV sekarang)

4. Not only…. But also…
1. Not only my mother but also my sisteris here.
    (Tidak hanya ibu saya tetapi juga saudara perempuan saya ada di sini) 
2.Not only my sister but also my parentsare here.
    (Tidak hanya saudara perempuan saya tetapi juga orangtua saya ada di sini) 
3.Yesterday it not only rained but also asowed.
    (Kemarin bukan hanya hujan tetapi juga turun salju/bersalju)

Job Application Letter

Jakarta, June 08, 2014

Unitama Megatrading Corp.
Human Resources Department
Puri Kembangan Street Kav.102
West Jakarta

Dear Sir,
I know that Unitama Megatrading Corp.. is one of the biggest retail product distributors in Indonesia, and I am sure it would be an excellent career opportunity to join in and work for this respective company.
I would like to apply for direct marketing and sales officer position in your company. I am in good health, willing to work, fast learning, and work well with others. I have my own vehicle, driving license A and C. Also, I have good communication skills and speak English fluently both oral and written.
I was graduated from the University Gunadarma, majoring in Management in December 2006, and have been working for Primary Corp. Retails in sales and marketing department since January 2010. 2 years I believe my experience in this related field would be useful for me to Contribute company Cell better.
I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services would be an asset to your company. I assure you that a high level of efficiency would be applied to any assignment given to me. I hope my Qualifications and experiences merit to your consideration.
Thank you for your kind attention, and I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours Faithfully,

Aris Suyanto

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Name                                                                 : Aris Suyanto
Permanent address                                             : Gen.. No. Sudirman Street. 2 Central Jakarta
Recent address                                                   : No. Rose Street. 3 West Jakarta
Faculty / Majority / intake                                   : Marketing Management
Phone / Cell Phone                                             : 021-012345 / 085 123 456 789
Gender                                                               : Male
Place / Date of Birth `                                         : Jakarta, 29 April 1990
Email                                                                  : @
Religion                                                              : Islam
Hobby                                                                : Traveling, reading and writing
Job Preference
Department roomates chosen                              : marketing and sales officer
Reason                                                               : I have 2 years experience in the marketing and sales

Professional Qualifications
Skills                                                                  : Work well with others, own vehicle, driving license A and C, good communication skills and speak English fluently both oral and written.
English background                                             : - Primaga Course for 2 years
- ELTU English Course for 1 year
Strength                                                              : Good communication and leadership
Weakness                                                           : I can not control of my emotion
Disease (if any)                                                    : Stomach illness.