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Sabtu, 26 April 2014

For the story "SOLO" (Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu)

Grojogan Sewu waterfall
Aris Suyanto-d’traveler

Thousand waterfall or identical called Grojogan Sewu is a nature paradise pride of the city of Surakarta (solo).within 37 km to the east of the city of Solo / Surakarta. Can be reached by traveling overland for 1-1.5 hour. Waterfall which has a height of 81 meters is located within a protected forest area of ​​20 ha and is the highest waterfall in Central Java is very beautiful and exotic. Typical cold air from the mountains and mist that enveloped the mountain peaks provide an aura of its own beauty.

Tawangmangu located on the lush mountainous areas on the west side slopes of Gunung Sewu Lawu or surrounded by forests and hills. Tawangmangu located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. From Tawangmangu can begin the climb to the summit of Mount Lawu (Post Cemorokandang). Moreover, from here there is the pass that led to the passing Sarangan in Magetan Cemorosewu.

To reach the location of the waterfall we had to go down the stairs neatly arranged totaling 1,250 pieces. During the trip down the stairs we could enjoy the scenery of pine forests typical to dissipate fatigue. From a distance the roar of water falling from above sounds obvious

Having tired of passing thousands of stairs, a view of the waterfall is the highest in Central Java extend in front of the eyes. If you want a closer look at the waterfall, we had to pass through the sharp rocks and large.

Protected Forest and Grojogan Sewu is the kingdom of monkeys. A lot of wild monkeys roam in protected forest trees Tawangmangu. Not infrequently the monkeys do merebuat ignorant to visitors with food, drinks, and goods visitor

If no name semeru mountain climbing Mount Love myth, then in Grojogan Sewu also have the myth of love, the article he who invites his partner to Grojogan Sewu, will find out sooner or later destined or not.In front Grojogan Sewu waterfall there is a bridge called "clove pegat". myth that bridge often leads pegatan or divorce. Although many thousands of myths circulating, Grojogan Sewu is a wealth of natural attractions in Central Java have, especially Indonesia.

That's a bit of charm typical of Indonesian natural beauty that we should keep and introduce to mancanegara.indonesia not only rich in diverse State tribe but also rich in the enchanting beauty of the tour.

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