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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Indonesian  Economy

Rupiah Is Predicted Will Be Number 1 In Asia

Indonesian economy that is actually very promising.Some analysts predicted that Rupiah will rise from the worst position to be the number one among other Asian currencies this year.The rupiah will strengthen by 6.8 percent in 2014 to a level of 11,400 per U.S. dollar.

There are several factors that will allegedly keep the Rupiah. One of them, a steady growth of the Indonesian economy and the reduce of trade deficit. Two factors are again the main attraction for foreign funds to re-invest in Indonesia.

the Indonesian economy will move in line with the positive growth in the global economy.As a record, Indonesia's currency has gained 0.7 percent this years to 12,085 per U.S. dollar. This is the best reinforcement among 11 Asian most frequently currencies traded.

(source :

Government must also remember some weaknesses that Indonesia's economic structure needs to be addressed now.Indonesia's economic weakness is in the trade deficit. Currently due to larger imports than exports then it makes more Indonesian trade balance to be deficit. Moreover, the largest import of oil and gas.As the impact, the deficit and the high pressure gas imports that led to the weakening of the rupiah.

moreover,factors are again the main attraction for foreign funds to re-invest in Indonesia.Though foreign investors intending to invest in Indonesia as it will look up the bureaucratic infrastructure. If not good, then foreign investors will pull out of Indonesia.

Name       :Aris Suyanto
Class        :1EA10
Npm         :11213368



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